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North Lincolnshire Local Plan

The only viable future for our community is one that places sustainability at it’s core.

North Lincolnshire Council is finalising a new Local Plan which, when agreed and adopted, will guide development, including housing, employment and other strategic services, in the area until 2038.

This will soon be out for the final consultation and CPRE Northern Lincolnshire will be making further comments on these proposals.

CPRER is on the whole supportive of the Plan and pleased to see the commitments to the preservation and enhancement of the Northern Lincolnshire countryside and open green spaces including to its biodiversity and geodiversity.

In previous consultations CPRE urged the council to give greater importance to its vision to help reduce the impact of climate change.  We also supported the balanced option of spreading housing and economic development across the county.  We argued that it was essential that settlements do not lose their special character and that sustainable growth occurs so as not to overburden existing facilities and services.